GitHub Version Control

To configure the version control using GitHub, you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Configuring Version Control Settings
  2. Generating a GitHub Token in the GitHub Profile
  3. Configuring a GitHub Token

Configuring Version Control Settings

You must have Account Update privileges to perform this task.


Follow the instructions below to configure Version Control System:

  1. Navigate to Home >> Control Panel >> Account Settings.
  2. On the Account Settings page, scroll down to the Version Control Settings section.
  3. From the Version Control Provider drop-down list, select GitHub.
  4. From the Repository Hosting Type drop-down list, select Service-managed.
  5. For Service-managed, the API Endpoint is auto-populated.
  6. Click Save.

The following figure shows a sample Version Control Settings section.


The following figure shows a sample Version Control Settings section with the Self-managed and Bastion node options.


Generating a GitHub Token in the GitHub Profile

Follow the instructions below to get the GitHub token:

  1. To create a GitHub token, see the GitHub Documentation.
  2. After you generate a new token, copy it to configure in the Qubole account.

Configuring a GitHub Token

Follow the instructions below to configure a GitHub Token from the My Accounts page.

  1. Navigate to Control Panel >> My Accounts.
  2. For your account, under GitHub Token column, click Configure.
  3. Add the generated GitHub token and click Save.

The GitHub token is configured at per user and per account setting level.