Cluster Nodes Report

GET /api/v1.2/reports/cluster_nodes

This API provides the cluster nodes report in JSON format.


The following points are related to a report API:

  • If the difference between start date and end date is more than 60 days, then the system defaults to 1 month window from the current day’s date.
  • If either start date or end date is not provided, then the system defaults to 1 month window from the current day’s date.
  • If you want to get data for a window more than 2 months, then write an email to

Required Role

The following users can make this API call:

  • Users who belong to the system-admin or system-user group.
  • Users who belong to a group associated with a role that allows viewing cluster nodes reports. See Managing Groups and Managing Roles for more information.


Parameter Description
start_date The date from which you want the report (inclusive). This parameter supports the timestamp in the UTC timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) format. The date cannot be earlier than 90 days.
end_date The date until which you want the report (inclusive). The API default is today. This parameter also supports timestamp in the UTC timezone (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) format.

Response Parameters

Parameter Description
start_date The starting date of the report.
end_date The ending date of the report.

An array of:

role The role of the instance (coordinator or worker).
cluster_id The id of the cluster
public_ip The public hostname of the cluster node.
ec2_instance_id The ec2 instance ID of the cluster node.
private_ip The private hostname of the cluster node.
start_time The time at which the cluster node was started.
end_time The time at which the cluster node was terminated.



To get the default report.

-H "Accept: application/json" \


To get the report for clusters online during a specific time period.

-H "Accept: application/json" \

Sample Response

  "end_date": "2014-04-21T10:00:00Z",
  "cluster_nodes": [
  "start_date": "2014-04-01T05:00:00Z"