Changelog for

Date and time of release Version Change type Change
16th Apr, 2021 (11:59 CST) 59.5 Bug fix JUPY-630 Fixed the error in the branch details of the gitlab server, configuring the bastion with the account public SSH key.
14th Sep, 2020 (5:00 AM PST) 59.0.1045 Enhancement

PRES-3435: The QueryTracker link is now available in the Workbench/Analyze UI’s Logs tab for queries run through the third-generation drivers.

PRES-3722: Optimization is added to push null filters to table scans by inferring them from the JOIN criteria of equi-joins and semi-joins in Presto version 317 and later. You can enable it through optimize-nulls-in-joins as a Presto cluster override or optimize_nulls_in_join as a session property. Use this enhancement to reduce the cost of performing JOIN operations when JOIN columns contain a significant number of NULLs.

PRES-3724: Backported hive.ignore-corrupted-statistics into Presto version 0.208 to avoid query failures in case of corrupted Hive metastore statistics and it is enabled by default. Presto version 317 supported this property, which is now enabled by default.

PRES-3748: Presto query retries for memory exceeded exceptions are triggered in a graded manner. Qubole retries the failed query in three steps. First two steps occur on the cluster size that lies between the minimum and the maximum cluster size. The last step of occurs at the maximum cluster size. To know more, see graded-presto-query-retry. This enhancement is part of Gradual Rollout.

PRES-3761: The Presto Mongo Connector now supports querying Cosmos DB using Mongo APIs.

PRES-3788: You can now add a comma-separated list of endpoints and pass them as cluster override values of qubole.bypass-authentication-endpoints if you want to skip authentication of such endpoints. For example, if qubole.bypass-authentication-endpoints= /,query,node, then only endpoints that matches with these are skipped for authentication. Contact Qubole Support to enable this enhancement at the account level.

Bug fix

PRES-3632: Fixed the File '000000' does not match the standard naming pattern error that Presto threw when trying to read bucketed Hive tables. Qubole Hive INSERT commands had written bucketed Hive tables.

PRES-3787: Fixed the Ranger access control for Presto views in Presto version 0.208.

PRES-3790: Fixed the issue that failed queries when there was no space before or after a single line comment in Presto queries.

PRES-3847: Presto query retries were not triggered in case of spot loss as the spotloss notification API call from the worker to the coordinator failed. Fixed the spotloss notification API call to resolve the issue.

RUB-239: Fixed the issue in RubiX that sometimes caused query failures around the cache data invalidation.

PRES-3660: Fixed the Presto query failure with Error opening Hive split : <FILENAME>: null when Rubix was enabled.

PRES-3701: Fixed the connection leak in RetryingPooledThriftClient of RubiX, which caused the slowness in source stages that slowed down the query.

PRES-3708: Fixed the possible deadlock between Hive loadPartitionByName and getTable when the Hive metastore caching is enabled with refresh TTL (time-to-live).

PRES-3543: Fixed the issue where the aggregation node in case of a UNION query (when union sources are tablescan node and values node) did not use the distributed partitioning and caused an OOM exception. It is fixed by disregarding the SINGLE distribution for the UNION query.

PRES-3588: Fixed issues related to updating the table statistics performance. As a result, the bug fix has improved the performance of updating table statistics. In addition, a new configuration property, hive.table-statistics-enabled with its default value set to true is added that you can use to disable updating table statistics.

PRES-3602: Fixed the issue in reading the TEXT file collection delimiter configured in the Hive versions (earlier to Hive 3.0) in Presto version 317.

PRES-3604: Fixed the Ranger access control for Presto views that had earlier failed.

PRES-3618: The Presto catalog configuration for external data sources that skipped validation in Qubole was not added to the cluster earlier. Fixed this issue and now such configuration is added to the cluster.

PRES-3641: Fixed the failure in planning for spatial JOINs with dynamic filtering enabled.

PRES-3662: Fixed the issue where pushing configuration to a cluster corrupted the Presto configuration and failed the Presto server restart.

PRES-3672: Fixed query failures that occurred as too many partitions’ metadata were requested from the metastore in Presto versions 0.208 and 317.

PRES-3673: Fixed the issue where the Presto cluster start failed when resource-groups.user-scaling-limits-enable was turned on and resource groups were configured by a user.

PRES-3677: Fixed the issue where the default location (DefLoc) was picked as the DB location of non-default schemas in the Presto version 317. The correct behavior is that DefLoc should be the DB location of only the default schema.

27th Aug, 2020 (10:22 AM PST) 59.0.1040 Bug fix JUPY-929: Dependencies that were installed through the Environments page were not accessible for the scheduled and API runs of Python notebooks. This issue is fixed.
10th Aug, 2020 (05:32 AM PST) 59.0.1033 Bug fix

ZEP-4789: The paragraph status was not getting updated after the web socket reconnect. This issue is fixed.

ZEP-4590: Interpreter settings were getting lost because of _COPYING_ file present in defloc. This issue is fixed.

ZEP-4130: Notebook commands were failing when the status was NOT_STARTED_RUNNING_NOTEBOOK. To fix this issue, 20 retries at an interval of 10 seconds upto 3 min is added when the notebook command status fetched is NOT_STARTED_RUNNING_NOTEBOOK.

ZEP-4642: Notebook rendering was delayed due to extra web socket calls made for each paragraph to fetch editor settings. This issue is fixed.

Apr 20 2020 8:10 AM PST 58.0.1088 Bug fix Airflow and other bug fixes.
Mar 24 2020 2:12 AM PST 57.0.1055 Bug fix Various bug fixes.
Feb 20 2020 1:32 AM PST 57.0.1051 Bug Fix

PRES-3249: Fixes UnsupportedOperationException occurring in some complex outer join queries when Dynamic Filtering was enabled.

PRES-3282: Adds support for lambdas in ExpressionEquivalence.

PRES-3051: Fixes “Invalid partition value” exception and intermittent ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in queries with Dynamic Filtering enabled.

PRES-3112: Enables dynamic partition pruning on Hive tables at the account level.

PRES-3113: Improves autoscaling through better accounting of queued work.

SQOOP-242: For new accounts, QDS does not provide a Pixie cluster by default to run DB import and export commands.

Enhancement PRES-2990: Improves efficiency of dynamic partition pruning by preventing listing and creation of Hive splits from partitions, which are pruned at runtime.
Jan 27 2020 11:34 PM PST 57.0.1044 Bug fix ZEP-4275: QDS now uses HTTPS for Apache Maven access because Maven no longer supports HTTP.
Jan 09 2020 12:51 PM PST 57.0.1039 Bug fix

ACM-6217: Added support for a static private IP address for the coordinator node

ACM-6206: Qubole now supports N2 machine types in the following GCP regions: asia-northeast1, australia-southeast, europe-west-1, europe-west-2, and us-east-1.

Dec 24 2019 12:04PM IST 57.0.1037 Bug fix ZEP-4194: Notebook results are now displayed when clusters running Zeppelin 0.6.0 are upgraded to Zeppelin 0.8.0 or when clusters running Zeppelin 0.8.0 are downgraded to Zeppelin 0.8.0.
Nov 20 2019 03:54 AM PST 57.0.1029 Bug fix AD-3202: GCP Marketplace was broken with RAILS 4.
Nov 15 2019 08:19 AM PST 57.0.1025 Bug fix ACM-6043: The Worker Node Type field was failing to fetch the correct instance types.
Nov 12 2019 03:16 AM PST 57.0.1020 R57 Release
Nov 7 2019 03:54 AM PST 56.0.1083 Bug fix AN-2348: Workbench now supports the read-only view for spark-notebook commands.
Oct 3 2019 02:37 AM PST 56.0.1073 Bug fix

PRES-2999: The NullPointerException when local memory limits are exceeded and a leak in operator peak memory computations in Presto version 0.208 queries have been resolved now.

PRES-3009: The issue where the Presto coordinator disk was filling up due to presence of RubiX logs in the autoscaling log file has been resolved. rubix.log is excluded from autoscaling logs

Sep 12 2019 11:34 PM PST 56.0.1063 Bug fix

ACM-5409: When a GCP cluster is created on a private subnet, a public IP address is not attached to the cluster.

ACM-4855: Configurable local disks are now supported on GCP.

Aug 28 2019 02:21 AM PST 56.0.1051 Bug fix

AN-1327: To make debugging easier, Qubole now displays the Cluster Instance ID under the Processing tab of the Status pane. This enables you to collect logs of the particular command by cluster instance. Beta.

AN-1324: Cluster live health metrics are now available as part of the Clusters drop-down list in Workbench. Via Support. Beta.

AN-2219: Resource links are now clickable in the Logs pane in Workbench. Clicking the link redirects the user to the corresponding cluster dashboard.

AN-2210: You can now tag commands on the History tab in Workbench. You can later use these tags to filter out commands using the Tags field (in the history filter). Beta.

AN-1814: You can resize the command query composer in Workbench for Hive, Presto, and DB Query commands. Beta.

ACM-5529: Users can now create presto clusters from the UI on GCP.

Aug 16 2019 07:00 PM PST 56.0.1047 Bug fix

AN-2240: The cluster selection drop-down list in Workbench now displays Hadoop2 clusters.

ACM-5555: Qubole supports using shared VPCs for GCP clusters.

Jul 31 2019 6:56 AM PST 56.0.1042 Bug fix

PRES-2915: Fixed the issue in which a Presto cluster with idle cluster timeout configuration did not automatically terminate even when it was idle for a longer time.

JDBC-124: Qubole now supports concurrency of multiple statements in Presto FastPath.

ACM-5234: Hive 2.3 is generally available now.

ACM-5237: Cluster creation now accepts 2.3 Beta as a Hive Version in GCP. You can configure it from the Configuration tab of the Clusters UI while creating a cluster.

AD-2776: The gcp_project_id is now included in Update Account requests.

Jun 21 2019 01:52 AM PST 56.0.1023 Bug fix ACM-5240: Autoscaling logs contain more details when Qubole falls back to On-Demand due to unavailability of preemptible VMs.
Jun 13 2019 07:22 PM PST 56.0.1019 Bug fix ACM-5221: When enable-oslogin was set to true at the project-level, Qubole cluster start would fail. This issue has been fixed by setting enable-oslogin as false at the instance level to override the project-level setting.
Jun 3 2019 01:45 AM PST 56.0.1016 R56 Release