Supported Tez VersionsΒΆ

Tez is the default query execution engine in Hive. The following table describes the supported Tez version in each Hive version.

Hive Version Supported Tez Version
Hive 2.1.1 Tez 0.8.4
Hive 2.3

Tez 0.8.4 and Tez 0.9.1.

But Hive 2.3 support for Tez version 0.9.1 is not enabled by default. You can enable it in the Account Features UI that is part of Control Panel of the Qubole UI. To know more on how to enable, see Managing Account Features. Tez version 0.9.1 helps in downscaling cluster by cleaning up shuffle data aggressively.

Hive 3.1.1 (beta) Tez 0.9.1. This version helps in downscaling cluster by cleaning up shuffle data aggressively.