Cluster Management

Account-level Node Bootstrap

ACM-6680: QDS now supports an account-level node bootstrap script, which is executed for all clusters in an account. Currently, it is supported only through a REST API. Cluster Restart Required

Gracefully Terminating Commands after Cluster Health Checks Fail

ACM-6659: QDS now gracefully terminates commands running on the cluster when the cluster is terminated either by the user or by Qubole after the cluster’s health check failures.

Handling Cluster Terminations

ACM-6255: Improves handling of cluster terminations, including terminating unhealthy or idle clusters and terminating a cluster when its start command times out. Gradual Rollout | Cluster Restart Required


  • ACM-5560: Improves error messaging to display the email address of a user who terminates the cluster manually.
  • ACM-5723: RubiX for Spark clusters can now be used in GCP. RubiX configuration is done on the advanced configuration page while creating or updating Spark clusters.
  • ACM-6205: Using a custom prefix for VM names is now supported on GCP. Contact Qubole support to configure this feature.
  • ACM-6234: Persistent network tags are now supported on GCP.
  • ACM-6297: New HiveServer2 clusters can now use the associated Hive cluster’s label.
  • ACM-6319: Improves the API call that lists cluster states.

Bug Fixes

  • ACM-6291: Fixes a problem that caused terminated clusters to be incorrectly marked as up. This was due to a race condition between cluster termination and background healing jobs.
  • ACM-6337: Fixes a problem where clusters with an attached public IP were sometimes terminated because of health check failures.