

  • HADTWO-2196: Qubole has backported YARN-3933 to fix a race condition in the Fair Scheduler and prevent negative values for resources such as memory and cores.
  • HADTWO-2273: Shell scripts uploaded to the default location <default_location>/qubole_shell_scripts are now deleted after the command completes.
  • HADTWO-2201: GCS connector version for both Hadoop 2 and Hadoop 3 has been upgraded to 2.0.0. MR BigQuery connector version for both Hadoop 2 and Hadoop 3 has been upgraded to 1.0.0.
  • HADTWO-2051: Provided feature to migrate Shuffle Data on preemptible VMs that are lost.

Bug Fixes

  • HADTWO-2191: Fixes an issue that could cause ResourceManager to deadlock while shutting down.