Data Analytics


New Features

  • AN-2079: You can now organize your work as Collections as you iteratively build to a final query. Each Collection comes with a query composer that auto-saves the work, supports parameterization or macro substitution in runtime, and catalogs past query runs for easy look-up. You can also manually curate by moving past query runs into other or new Collections. You can drop your Collections into a Common folder enabling other users to find and edit them. You can also use the search box to find collections. Gradual Rollout.


  • AN-1584: Workbench displays clusters sorted by Up, Pending, Terminating, and Down. Within each set, cluster labels are sorted alphabetically.
  • AN-2078: When selecting a cluster for a Hive, Presto, or Spark command, you can see its memory and CPU usage and its Hive Metastore connectivity, so you can make a more informed decision on which cluster to choose. Gradual Rollout.
  • AN-2348: Workbench now supports the read-only view for Spark notebook commands. You can use these to view logs, results, and resource links for the selected command.

Bug Fixes

  • AN-2196: Table data preview does not work for Hive and Presto views, so the Preview icon has been removed for those views.