JDBC Driver

Qubole provides its own JDBC driver for Hive, Presto, and Spark. The Qubole JDBC jar can also be added as a Maven dependency. Here is an example POM.xml with dependency on the JDBC jar. Add the repositories, group, and artifact ID as mentioned in the above POM file. Change the version as required but Qubole recommends to add the latest version.

Benefits of the Qubole JDBC Driver

The Qubole driver provides several advantages over the open-source JDBC drivers that are mentioned below:

  • Queries are displayed in the QDS Analyze/Workbench page for a historical view.
  • Users are authenticated through the Qubole account API Token.
  • Qubole JDBC drivers support cluster lifecycle management (CLCM), cluster start/stop. The cluster does not have to be running all the time. Idle clusters are terminated by the Qubole Control Plane and queries executed through the Qubole JDBC driver brings the cluster up.

The topics below describe how to install and configure the JDBC driver before using it: